Saturday, April 21, 2012

Breaking, Music, Cliches

I haven't looked or really thought about my script for weeks. It's not a bad thing. I feel I need this break before I go into draft 2. I need some distance between us before I can truly see what I had originally missed. I should also think about the music attached to this piece...or not. I'm having difficulties with this aspect of my script. Normally, I would not give two shits about writing in music. Plus, Graham would hate it. But this is about a DJ, and the music shows his growth and adds depth to each scene. I don't know. I should worry about the bigger picture before delving into arbitrary things like this. If I directed this, then maybe things would be different. I think a lot these days about how things could have ended up very differently. I don't regret, I just think. I don't really know where I am going right now, but it's strange...I feel more sure of myself than I have ever felt all four years at college. And I guess that's what my play is essentially about: learning to respect yourself and live life the way you want to. It's cliche, but there's a reason why it's overused.